Think that humility lesson is one she’s still learning. Though in fairness, that’s something that people often take years to learn, sometimes more than once.

I feel like there’s a difference between having an accurate assessment of one’s abilities and being arrogant. When you’re almost always the smartest person in the room by a wide margin, you know it, it’s painfully obvious that everyone else is significantly slower than you. It isn’t bragging to acknowledge that fact so long as you aren’t rubbing people’s faces in it, but a lot of people will respond like you’re rubbing their faces in it simply by existing as yourself, hence why she had to deliberately dumb herself down to not be an outcast.

Having confidence in your abilities isn’t lacking in humility. She doesn’t act like she thinks she’s better than everybody because she’s smarter, she’s simply acknowledging that she’s better in that one specific way. Everybody has strengths and weaknesses, and being good at one thing, even being exceptional at that one thing, doesn’t make you better overall, just in that one specific area, even if it’s something particularly useful or prized. But heaven forbid somebody *acknowledge* their talents.

This a 40k jab? Because people are super dumb about it every few years sadly

But how will we be special if we don’t keep out the riff raff. Things might, GASP!, change.

A couple of my favorite activities are being slowly legislated out of existence. A couple more are fading just because the interested group is aging out of life. Gate keeping just speeds up the process.

Many of mine are fading because they’ve changed so substantially as to be pale imitations. Gatekeeping would have slowed the process. All things in moderation.

im seeing a lot of similarity between Reggie’s dad and the Twins’ dad.
perhaps the inspiration for both of them is being pulled from a similar source?

When I was young this was the style of dads. Updates have broken many features that used to be prized. That’s why retro fathering is so popular these days.

This is a crazy believable storyline. I forgot that these are drawings of characters and not just two people talking about themselves.

Competence often looks like arrogance, especially to those who aren’t.

True. On the one hand, I hate it; I feel like I need to censor myself to not bother people by seeming “arrogant.” On the other hand, there is a small part of me always annoyed when someone, unintentionally, one-ups me–I recognize it, I fight with it, but I still get it.

In my opinion:
This is a [past] arrangement, that Jess made with her brother, where- her brother will teach her to defend herself.

Not only can she not [think] her way out of this agreement or situation, but also- she can’t [talk] her way out of this agreement, either.

IMO, Ed had taken great effort, + maybe great amounts of time…as well, to do these karate lessons for her.

This might’ve been an event in Jess’s life, where she learned that she can’t [talk or bargain] her way out of every agreement that she makes.

I think that a lot of smart or clever people have to learn this idea, when they go through their childhoods.

All I can say is, I wish my brother hadn’t been a useless jackass until he was like 35.

I’m sure my sister feels the same way to this day.

That is a very, clever joke, sir! Bravo!

Is it a joke?

Hm. I meant that as a message of support. I guess it didn’t sound like that. Please pardon that.

“Is it a joke?”

Oh yeah. [that’s] what you wrote.
Please pardon me- I’m dizzy. I’ve been working on the family’s…house project, this week, + I haven’t slept well in 4 days. :(
Time to take a rest, TRA.
Have a good day, Dude.

Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone I read this webcomic!

I know you think that’s funny, but all it takes is one shithead to come in here and start trouble to ruin my life. I’ve already had it happen on a small scale twice. I’ve lost so much money over the random things you aren’t allowed to say or think anymore you’d be shocked.

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