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I don’t think anyone is going to be surprised by where I was going with this. It amuses me greatly that Nina tries to take control of the situation and is then stopped in her tracks. Much like Ed I’ve never been good at moving from the intellectual to the romantic. Some of that is on me and some is on the poor choices I’ve made when it comes to partners. (and their poor choice) A lot of my life has been not quite getting things to click and then having to make due with an incorrect connection. At this point I don’t think a match for me exists, but at least my awkward creation can enjoy one. Even if figuring out the puzzle is a bit awkward at first. Navigating the actual fitting of the pieces is another matter.

In a meta sense I’m beyond caring much what anyone thinks about what my story choices are as long as the ones who directly support it generally enjoy them.
if the remaining active Discord users are anything to go by I’ll continue to be fine. Tomorrow isn’t promised however and this might be the thing that destroys me. Who can say? In any case, I hope you enjoy my work and will return on Wednesday to see where this soul train in headed. Until then, ease on down, ease on down, down the road.